It seems in these days that one must know his / her beliefs and why. Just in class today we discussed how standing up for what we believe in and letting it be known is of utmost importance considering all the different views and beliefs pervading our culture today, and with that being said, I'm going to post a few of my views on different topics and events relevant to our time.
1. God - Being a Christian I hold to the belief that God created the earth and all that is in it, that Satan, one of the angels (bearer of light, or lucifer), rebelled against God and brought the potential for evil into the world. Adam, God's first created human and Eve his wife, rebelled against God also by disobeying God's command to them through falling into temptation and eating of the tree. Through this act sin (leading to death) was introduced into the world, thus cursing all of humanity born into the bondage of sin. God was merciful to His creation (us) and sent His son Jesus into the world to be the scapegoat for our sins. The Bible is the inerrant inspired word of God written over 1500 years by over 40 authors on 3 continents in 3 languages (if you doubt it, try this one on. There are 1,817 Prophecies in the Bible, many hundreds of which have been fulfilled. The scientific probability of 118 Historically fulfilled prophecies is 1 x 10 to the 118th power, which to use an example would be like winning 17 state lotteries in a row with a single ticket from each, or being struck by lightning 24 times a year).
2. Politics - To be forthcoming, I am a conservative, and if the party aligns with conservatism, a Republican. I believe government should be small, that regulations and taxes should be even smaller, and that freedom should be something to be promoted. I support the right to life, the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman, and that the government's primary role should be in the security and defense of our country. I am a staunch supporter of our military, and I believe that our military is fighting for our freedom and the freedoms of those in the places we are fighting. That being said, liberalism, particularly in it's current form, is nothing short of the pure opposite of this. It has been shown that governments are quickly corrupted when power hungry people have been able to take charge, and by definition liberalism (at least in the political sense) is the view that supports the increasing in size and power of the government and it's control over as many aspect of society as possible. The purest form of political liberalism is socialism/communism/fascism, both of which have murdered millions and stolen the freedoms of millions more. Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler were all products of this style of government, and all were believers in the Utopian society where humans were the ultimate form of deity, and anyone claiming to believe in a higher Authority than man was thought of as an animal, if not worse than one.
3. The 2008 Elections - With my political views spelled out, I doubt it will be hard to figure out who it is I support during the elections this year, McCain / Palin of course. I will say that until recently, I was not enthusiastic about McCain being the nominee of the Republican party, namely due to his less than conservative stance on many issues. Then, however, he made the choice of his Veep, Sarah Palin, and I along with thousands of others became re-energized like seldom before. Sarah Palin is a strong conservative who does not play games with her adversaries, is a follower of the God I serve (even if she comes from a slightly more charismatic church than I, and no, the same cannot be said of Obama), she isn't scared of guns and actually hunts, unlike Liberals whose only view of guns is that they cause crime and should be outlawed (unless their bodyguards have them), is pro-family, pro-life, and pro-marriage. She is a genuine American who is proud of her country and the principles that it is founded on. Obama on the other hand comes from a tainted past scarred with terrorist associations (Bill Ayers), a racist pastor of a black liberation theology church (Jeremiah Wright), and fraudulent financial contributors (Tony Rezko). Obama also worked as a "community organizer" for ACORN, an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist activist organization. One of the primary functions of this organization is voter registration, however it is known not as a community centered public service organization, but as a fraudulent "vote farming" operation. For example, in Colorado in 2004, an ACORN employee admitted to forging signatures and registering 3 of her friends to vote 40 times, and in Missouri in 2003, of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegally (source: Obama, voted the most liberal senator, has a consistent record in his 143 days in the senate of voting either extremely liberally, such as when he voted in favor of a bill that would let the babies of botched abortions be left out to die, or voting "present" on issues he was too afraid to take a stance on. One last thing (of many things that could be said about Obama), is that Obama has a soft spot for sympathizing with terrorists and dictators that hate our country, it's freedom and it's greatness, saying that he would meet with terrorist leaders "without preconditions". This simply cannot be tolerated in a world where terror and hatred lie in wait for our demise. We desperately need a confident, strong leader who does not live to appease evil.
4. 9/11 - How shameful it is that even after 7 years of a post 9/11 society, many still hold onto the idea that our government is responsible for the events that took place on that day. Fortunately, even with all the conspiracy theories and bilge that floats around on the internet, the vast majority of Americans don't believe the lies that George W. Bush committed mass murder in the form of the terrorist attacks. At this time, less than 5% of the population believes in 9/11 as being an inside job, and less than 20% believe that GWB even knew about 9/11. To put it in perspective, roughly 30% of Americans believe in UFOs.
5. Energy - Let me start by saying I'm not an environmentalist, so if you're a whacko and you're reading this, you might want to stop reading. I am NOT GREEN. I am NOT a supporter of PETA. I am NOT a believer in GLOBAL WARMING (unless in the case of God destroying the earth by fire, which will be very hot). I do NOT believe the ICE CAPS ARE MELTING. I do not believe the SEA LEVEL IS RISING. Science just does not align with these theories. However, since most whackos think that because I and others don't believe in these farces, must mean that I live to destroy the earth. This is anything but true. As a Christian, I believe that being good stewards of the earth is important. I am all for recycling, but I don't put an overemphasis on it. I am all for the creation of alternate sources of energy, but I know also that our country cannot just flip a switch and rid ourselves of oil, nor do I think that oil is "evil" as is the norm now. In fact, all these greenies that hate oil should come to realize that oil is just as natural and renewable as solar, wind, and water power. Oil is not the enemy, nations like Venezuela and Iran are. We need to stop giving money to nations that hate us and our allies (Israel in particular) and get our own resources. China, Russia, India, and every other nation with access to it's own oil is drilling for their own resources, so why can't we? We have the technology to drill oil cleaner, safer, and more "environmentally friendly" than any other nation, this should be a no-brainer. Like I said before, I am all for working for better, cleaner, more efficient ways to power our economy, culture, and world, but I reject the notion that oil is the enemy, and that we must rid ourselves of it.
6. Animal Cruelty - I support the rights of animals: to be served rare, medium, or well done. In all seriousness, I grew up on a small Midwestern farm with chickens, sheep, ducks, cats, and dogs. I love animals, and admire God's handiwork in His creation of them. I also love to eat them. Animals do not have souls; they don't think, feel, or rationalize. When was the last time you saw a business conference made up of swans? Or when have you seen a protest or rally of giraffes marching down the street? It doesn't happen because animals aren't humans. God made humans alone in this regard. I have a soft spot for cats, but I do not see them as I see humans, as having rights as we do. Our society has perverted God's plan for animals as being evidence of His design, changing them into objects of worship, worshiping the created rather than the Creator. Instead many in our culture have given animals more rights than unborn babies, something that is unbelievably wrong.
7. Homosexuality - As stated before, I believe that a marriage is between one man, and one woman. Nature proves that this is the way it is supposed to be (whether in the case of homosexuality, where the parts just don't match up, or polygamy, where jealousy and envy destroy relationships). I am not a homophobe, nor am I a hater of homosexuals. Homosexuality is a sin, like any other. Homosexuals are in need of a Savior just as liars, perverts, murderers, and adulterers are.
8. Calvinism vs. Armenianism - A subject much debated over and one that has divided believers and churches for hundreds of years. I believe in the Sovereignty of God, and His divine foreknowledge. I believe than He knows who will accept and who will reject Him beforehand, therefore He will never be surprised by someone's acceptance or rejection of His grace. I believe in the total depravity of man. We were all born under sin, and are helplessly in need of a Savior; we cannot ever hope to attain salvation through anything done on our part. I believe in limited atonement, however, not as a Calvinist; that Jesus' blood only covers some, not all, but rather Jesus blood covers all who accept Him, and all mankind has the opportunity to choose whether or not to follow. Jesus' blood has the potential to wash away the sins of every person who has ever lived, but not all will accept this gift, however this does not mean that Jesus' blood was wasted; His blood is not measurable, therefore it can never run out.
9. Gun Control - I love guns. I love shooting guns. I love studying weapons, armament, explosives, and all that other military stuff. I am not an angry person. The right to bear arms was a fundamental right given to us through the constitution and recognized by our founding fathers as necessary for people to have in order that we not be controlled easily by an out of control government. Many politicians seek the disarmament of our citizens in order that we not be able to resist governmental control, while others naively think that the root of all crime rest on guns. Guns are a tool, no more, no less. The only difference between a hunting rifle and a rifle used to murder innocents is the intent of the person using it. Guns do not have agendas, nor do they have any other capability to do harm on their own. Yes, I support background checks for persons seeking to buy firearms. No I do not support waiting periods. I also do not support bans on handguns, silencers, automatic weapons, or anything of the sort. Maybe you think that sounds too lenient, however it has been shown that the less gun control there is in any given city / state / country, the less crime there will be. One of my favorite quotes goes like this "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". Simple, but true. The more there are that are armed, in a law abiding, civil way, the more criminals have to take chances with their lives when they commit crimes. Criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns; if they are going to commit crimes, then they sure aren't going to abide by gun laws. So why should we put our own lives in jeopardy by restricting ourselves from guns?
-------------- These next two are just for fun-----------------
10. Mac vs PC - I have long been a proponent of the superiority of the PC over the Mac, and many times downright biased against the world of the Apple. To put it this way, a Mac is simply "A computer with training wheels". The most advanced computer programs are written with PCs, commercial business networks are based on PC architecture, The highest end servers and gaming rigs are all PCs. A Mac user is not without his/her advantages, namely the "media" phenomenon. Supposedly Macs are better with media editing than PCs, something that I have yet to be convinced of. Easier and less complex does not always mean better. While the Mac's growing fanbase cannot be denied, it's market share is still only 21% in the US, and 10% worldwide as of April 1st, 2008. In political terms, a margin of 10 points is considered a landslide, so the the PC market share still holds an impressive lead be it in the world market or the US.
11. PC gaming vs Xbox 360 - To give you my background, I was playing video games at a very early age, my first being Stellar 7 for D.O.S.. Most of my friends knew me as a die-hard PC gamer, never giving an inch to the console infidels. Until last year my affinity for PC games ran in my blood and I never looked twice when passing through the glass cases that housed the lineups of Xbox 360 and PS3. In March of this year, it all changed. My eyes were then opened to a new world where you didn't have to have an extra $2000 every 3 months to keep up with the ever changing gaming hardware, and an even playing field where skill was the advantage, not the endless gadgets and macros that boosted the players seeming skill. Only you and the controller, battling it out for bragging rights. Now, the PC has been and will always be better for certain styles and types of games, such as the RTS and RPG types, but for the price, and the needlessness for updates, patches, fixes, cd keys, and the like, I'm sold. Plus Xbox Live is great for party games as well and renting movies, chatting with friends, and ignoring homework!